Boomer Productions works with small businesses to identify unique story angles that accurately showcase their unique points of differentiation and finds earned media opportunities to properly showcase them.
With client, Amanda Bananas NY, Boomer Productions was able to sell into News12 a story idea and educate consumers on the new 100% frozen banana, gluten-free, dairy-free desert available to Long Island for summer 2021. Boomer Productions is happy to help introduce Amanda Bananas to New York and usher in the latest foodie and desert craze for our region.
The result of Boomer Production, Inc’s publicity efforts, resulted in two live 2min segments on News12 Long Island that resulted in 28% increase in total followers on Instagram, a 33% increase of followers on Facebook and record sales for the weekend following Food Truck Friday feature. The buzz surrounding the two live air features on the morning show looks to have a very positive impact on Amanda Bananas’ prospects of summer 2021.
Public Releations is just one tool and area of expertise Boomer Productions utilizes to provide maximum promotional exposure that it intended to grow revenues.