🚨 Attention Nassau County Small Businesses! 🚨I will be hosting a Nassau County Technical Services Marketing & Communications Workshop on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6pm – 8pm. This will be held at the American Legion Post 1066 in Massapequa (66 Veterans Blvd, Massapequa, NY). This marketing workshop is sponsored by the Nassau County Council of Chambers and is part of a broader Nassau County grant program to assist small businesses.
What you’ll learn during the marketing workshop
The purpose of this program is to give any Nassau County based small business the tools and strategies they need to excel in marketing that supports their business goals. During the workshop I will take all attendees through my proprietary process for analyzing a brand, its competitors and customer target groups. A strong understanding of all three areas is critical for being in a position to develop creative and effective marketing strategies. This is called the Boomer Productions Branding and Marketing Workshop.
After the workshop, individual follow-up appointments will be scheduled between myself and each participating business. During those sessions I will provide customized recommendations on each brand and offer tangible marketing deliverables. All of this will be fully funded by Nassau County! 🎉
Register now to attend and qualify for free marketing services
I have been working in marketing for 24 years and over the last six years I have been helping my small business clients achieve their business goals with my marketing company, Boomer Productions. We have been providing these value add services for clients since we opened our doors. If you want to attend make sure you click the link below and register. Mark your calendar for January 28th and get ready to level up your marketing game with Boomer Productions!
To register for the event and for more information, visit the Nassau Council Chambers of Commerce website at the link below:
📅 Mark your calendar for January 28th and get ready to level up your marketing game with Boomer Productions!