GraBar Fish & Tellers Featured on News12LI “Tasty Tuesday” Segment

Boomer Productions PR work and TV Publicity

Boomer Productions works with small businesses to identify unique story angles that accurately showcase their unique points of differentiation and finds earned media opportunities to properly showcase them.

With clients GraBar Fish and Tellers Chophouse, Boomer Productions was able to sell into News12 a story idea that educated consumers on what fish to look out for in restaurants and at retail fish counters for summer 2021. The best local fish and seafood changes with each season, and this segment was created to point out what is in season in this summer.

The result of Boomer Production, Inc’s publicity efforts, resulted in an 2min segment on News12 Long Island that positioned Tellers executive Chef Richie Soriano as an expert on how to select the right fish and how to prepare the best dishes with the freshest product. Tellers would benefit from the TV exposure and GraBar’s product was prominently featured in the segment

Public Releations is just one tool and area of expertise Boomer Productions utilizes to provide maximum promotional exposure that it intended to grow revenues.

for more info on Boomer PR Efforts

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